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Prenatal Care, Subcutaneous Marine Plasma Treatment.

Obstetrician at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital in Paris and René Quinton, biologist.

We have been fortunate to practice the subcutaneous Marine Treatment on gravid [pregnant] women, seeking optimum fetal development, and have determined by routine observations in our clinics (Dispensaries) that the Marine Treatment is the most active on hereditary taints when the nursling is very young. In this way, many afflictions (French: la microcéphalie, l'hydrocéphalie, le craniotabès, le crâne natiforme, les lésions rachitiques (tuméfactions épiphysaires, genu vaigum, bréchet sternal), etc.,) are responding the fastest to the use of Marine Treatment when practiced early on the tainted subject. We thought it probable that isotonic seawater injections would act favorably on the fetus and therefore instituted the Marine Treatment, on an experimental basis, on a certain number of women whose previous pregnancies were either terminated fatally [resulting in the death of the subject] or who gave birth to stigmatized subjects.

We know that tubercular heredity and, even more so, syphilitic heredity, cause a great number of premature births, many still-births, and an elevated death rate during the first few days of life. Henri Leduc (Thesis, Paris 1905-1906) has found a death rate of 71% for syphilitic heredity in his maternity ward statistics of the Tenon hospital and this data was collected only from subjects that succumbed during pregnancy or during the first eleven days of their existence. Viable children, born by tainted mothers, are often mentally deficient, have reduced weight, and this is proof that they were hindered during their intrauterine life. All, or nearly all, exhibit anatomical stigma relating back to their pathognomonical origin. Their eventual evolution is generally retarded. Athrepsia and atrophy develops in a notable proportion of these [tainted children]. Many die during the first year of one of the known affections that usually strike them.

So, as much as we can conclude from still too few, but typical, observations, the subcutaneous Marine Treatment, practiced on a woman that is gravid [pregnant], tubercular or syphilitic, seems:

To bring to term the majority of conceived beings;

To prevent still-births;

To permit a just about normal development of the fetus and thus raise the possibility of an elevated weight at birth;

To curb the mortality rate of the first days, the first month, even the first years;

To counteract athrepsia and atrophy;

And finally, to act so powerfully on the original taint, that the atomic stigmata that are so characteristic of hereditarily challenged children tend to become erased with children that have been subjected to prenatal Marine Treatment.

This is how we see in the first four observations, the only ones we have on mothers that had at least five previous pregnancies before the treatment, that the latter decreases the percentage of premature pregnancies from 28% to 0%, the rate of still-births from 14% to 0%, the death  rate of infants before they attain the age of 1 year from 59% to 0%.

And we see furthermore, and this fact appears to us as even more significant, that all the children that were prenatally treated with Marine Plasma, are exempt from the anatomical taints of those children that were born from previous pregnancies or at least have fewer taints than usual. Our observations concerning this point are summarized as follows...

We see, with children that have received the prenatal Marine Treatment, as compared to children that were born previously [of the same mother]:

Reduction or abolition of cranial taints, proencephalia, microcencephalia, fontal swelling, frontal hull, parietal swelling, transverse enlargement, occipital swelling, transverse frontal groove, cranial exostoses, abnormal opening of the sutures or fontanels;

Reduction or abolition of facial taints: prognathism, ogival palate, poor development of the zygomatic arcade;

Reduction or abolition of vascular taints: parietal ectases, temporal, frontal;

Reduction or abolition of dental taints: microdentition, dental amorphism, poor implantation of teeth, interlined dental superior median, half moon lateral caries, premature general caries, late apparition of teeth;

Attenuation or abolition of hypertrichosis;

Attenuation or abolition of rickety lesions: epiphysal tumefactions, incurvation of tibia and femur, (French: entonnoir stemal, bréchet stemal, coup de hache sous-mammaire, chapelet costal), etc.

A Plasma injection, performed on a pregnant woman, seems to act decidedly on the development of the fetus and its ulterior destiny. Still, in most of our observations, the subcutaneous Marine Treatment was instituted only very late and irregularly.

Should  we expect still superior results from a methodical treatment that runs from the beginning to the end of the pregnancy and prolonged on the child during the first months of its life?

The subjects treated by us during their intrauterine life are still young and we cannot guarantee their ultimate evolution. Nevertheless, the results that were obtained seem to be most encouraging, given the fact that the most serious case that we had to treat (three still-births, two deaf-mutes, two premature deaths in previous pregnancies), the two subjects submitted by us to the prenatal Marine Treatment, are now eleven and eight years old, and the only one we were able to see review again presented, at seven years of age, all the characteristics of a normal child, without any anatomical taints, other than a facial reduction [?]. 

It definitely seems that with the subcutaneous Marine Treatment we have, right now, a weapon with which to combat syphilitic heredity and to obtain more or less viable and close to normal offspring from tainted parents. 

This work raises a question of evident interest. We will not fail to come back to this and to answer this by means of new observations that are right now in progress.


Tubercular heredity (mother died of pulmonary tuberculosis as well as a brother who died at 24 years of age). Nine previous pregnancies, by the same husband, who very probably has pulmonary tuberculosis.

First pregnancy, boy, slightly premature, stillborn.

Second pregnancy, boy, slightly premature, stillborn.

Third pregnancy, girl, full term, normal birth presentation. Presently 22 years old. Very pronounced hypertrichosis. Well developed, long, black eyelashes. Completely extended arms stay strongly bent at the elbow. Angle of right arm, 23°, left arm 18° instead of the normal 14° for her age. The first four molars are missing.

Fourth pregnancy, boy, stillborn.

Fifth pregnancy, boy, full term, normal birth presentation, deaf-mute. 

Presently 20 years of age, very thin. Was not seen.

Sixth pregnancy, normally born boy at full term. Presently 19 years of age receiving treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. Was not observed.

Seventh pregnancy, boy, full term, normal birth presentation. Deaf-mute. Presently 18 years old. Was not observed.

Eighth pregnancy, boy, full term, normal birth presentation. Deceased at 14 years of age - died of bronchopneumonia.

Ninth pregnancy, girl, full term, normal birth presentation. Deceased at 8 months of age of diphtheria.

Therefore, of nine anterior pregnancies, we see three stillbirths; two deaths at a young age; two deaf-mutes, one living boy with pulmonary tuberculosis, and one living girl slightly tainted.

Tenth pregnancy (same husband). The mother is thirty-one years old, cachectic, weighs 41 kg, 1,47 meters tall, receives Marine Treatment as only treatment during seven months of this pregnancy (50 cc injections, then 100 cc Plasma twice a week). Full term, normal birth presentation of a girl. At one month and a day, weighs 2,900 kg which would be normal for a girl at birth, height is 51,5 cm which would be normal for a girl at 15 days. Cranial perimeter is 35,5 cm which is just about normal but larger by 4 mm (bizygomatic 80 mm). No proencephalia (fronto-occipital glabellae 124.5 mm, maximal fronto-occipital 124.5 mm). Arm angles, normal within two degrees for her age (right arm 0°, left negative 1°). No anatomical taint other than the sutures being a little wide, of a large coronal fontanel and a slight hypertrichosis. At eleven months, the child has three teeth. Weight is 7,900 kg, height is 69,7 cm, value of a normal girl of nine months and a half at ten months. Cranial perimeter 44,7 cm, normal for the height. Coronal fontanel still rather large at 5 cm x 3 cm. Girl is now 11 years old. Not seen again. "Nice Girl" - said the mother.

Eleventh pregnancy (same husband).

The mother, forty years old, same condition, same weight, is treated with Marine Plasma, exclusively, for seven months during this new pregnancy (same Plasma dosages as previously). Birth at full term of a boy. Normal birth presentation. At one month, 4 days, the baby weighs 3, 650 kg. height 52,5 cm, which is normal value for a boy of 18 days old. Cranial perimeter 36,2 cm, normal for the height. No facial reduction (bi parietal 101 mm, bizygomatic 82 mm). No proencephalia (fronto-occipital glabellae 122 mm, fronto-occipital maximum 122 mm). Thoracic perimeter at the level of the nipple 36 cm, therefore normal, actually exceeding by 10 cm half of the height. No anatomical taints other than the sutures being a little larger, a fontanel a bit open (4 by 5 cm), a slight hypertrichosis and a weak temporal actasia. While the child was subjected to subcutaneous Marine Treatment just about continually until age seven months (Plasma injections, 10 cubic cm, 30 cubic cm, 50 cubic cm, twice a week, it developed normally. Normal development of teeth. When the child was 12 months old, it had a weight of 9 kg 590 g, height of 72.5 cm, cranial perimeter of 46 cm - all normal values for the age. Thoracic perimeter of 50 cm, exceeding by 14 cm half of the height. At six years, eleven months, the weight was 22 kg (instead of 18 kg, this being a normal weight for the age), height was 1,16 meters, normal for the age. There was a clear facial reduction, a spread of 28 mm between the biparietal (146 mm) and the bizygomatic (118 mm) instead of the normal spread of 18 mm for the age. There was no anatomical taint. There was no proencephalia (fronto-occipital glabellae 172 mm, fronto-occipital maximum 172 mm). No occipital swelling, no cranial exostoses. Arms: normal angles, normal extension. Normal teeth, without vicious implantation, without any caries. Absent hypertrichosis. Normal eyebrows. Very beautiful child, without any stigmatism or any facial reduction. Now, eight years of age. "Excellent condition" says the mother.


Seven anterior pregnancies with the same husband.

First pregnancy, girl, born at seven and a half months, normal birth presentation, deceased at seven weeks of age of meningitis.

Second pregnancy, aborted at three and a half months.

Third pregnancy, girl, born at eight months, normal birth presentation, died at nine days of age of hemophilia (buccal and intestinal hemorrhages).

Fourth pregnancy, aborted pregnancy at three and a half months.

Fifth pregnancy, boy, full term, normal birth presentation, was treated with mercurial rubbings right from the first months of his life. At age five and a half, weighs 18 kg 900 g, Wasserman positive, numerous recognized anatomical taints: [detailed description such as in case I.

Sixth pregnancy, girl, full term, normal birth presentation, died at one year and 19 days - of meningitis.

Seventh pregnancy. The mother, who we do not know yet, is treated for the first time during this pregnancy (Gibert syrup from seventh to ninth month). Girl, full term, normal birth presentation, quite attractive at birth. At two years and four months of age: normal height (87 cm), weight slightly inferior (11 kg instead of 12 kg). The specific treatment the mother was subjected to acted favorably on the development of the child: 18 normal teeth, no 

prognathism, no cubital incuvation, no stabism. Wasserman negative. Nevertheless, Dr. Macé reports many minor tains and a suspicion that the child might have hereditary bone tuberculosis.

Eighth pregnancy (with the same husband). The mother, thirty-eight years old, cachectic, Wasserman positive, undergoes Marine Treatment, exclusively, during the last  four months of her pregnancy. A girl is born eight days premature.  Normal birth presentation. At 21 days old, the child measures 51,5 cm and weighs 3,300 kg, values that are close to normal. The child exhibits no taints whatsoever other than a strong hypertrichosis. Normal fontanel. The child is then put on Marine Treatment, gains 750 gr during the first month, 700 gr during each of the next two months, 400 to 700 gr during each of the next six months. Has its first teeth at seven months. At nine months, six days, the height is 69 cm which is 5 mm taller than what is normal for the age. The child exhibits no taints, has normal teeth and develops normally.


Seven pregnancies, the two first with one husband and the next five with another.

First pregnancy, boy, full term, normal birth presentation, weighing 2,050 kg. Now 14 years of age, puny, living in the country.

Second pregnancy, boy, born full term, breach birth but good weight at birth, died at age sixteen month of meningitis.

Third pregnancy, aborted at two months and a half.

Fourth pregnancy, boy, born full term, stillbirth, macerate.

Fifth pregnancy, girl, full term. At seven years and a half the weight is 19 kg (dressed), height is 1,13 meters, values that are just about normal for the age.

Sixth pregnancy, aborted at four months.

Seventh pregnancy, boy, full term, normal birth presentation, good weight at birth, big delivery, intestinal and buccal hemorrhages at two days of age. At one month and eleven days the height is 55.2 cm, normal for the age; cranial perimeter is 37,8 cm, normal for the height; weight is 3,550 kg, inferior by 900 gr for the height. The child is drained of blood.

Under the influence of Marine Plasma, he gains 980 gr during the first month, 650 gr during the second month, and 300 grams in each of the next three months. Despite being given Van Swieten liquor in drops, the weight stays stationary during the next three months. The anemia does not yield to any treatment (flour, iron, two blood transfusions given by the mother in the hospital). At ten months there is marked facial reduction: different by 27 mm between the biparietal (115 mm) and the bizygomatic (88 mm) instead of the normal spread of 20 mm for the age. Proencephalia 5 mm (fronto-occipital glabellae 151 mm, maximal fronto-occipital 156 mm). Parietal and frontal swellings. Ogival palate. Lemon yellow skin tone. At eleven months and twenty three days the weight is 6.920 kg and that would be normal for a child of five months and ten days, height of 69 cm; cranial perimeter is 44,4 cm, no teeth yet. The child dies suddenly at twelve months.

Eighth pregnancy (same husband). The mother, thirty-one years of age, Wasserman is positive, is treated with Marine Plasma exclusively for the seven last months of her pregnancy (subcutaneous injections of 100 cubic centimeters, three times a week).

A girl is born, full term, weighing 4 kg. Normal birth presentation, weight of 'delivery' [?] unknown. At two months and eight days, the height is 59 cm, weight 5 kg, cranial perimeter 39,7 cm all these values being normal for a girl of three months. The child is almost entirely normal. Facial reduction is absent (biparietal 104 cm, bizygomatic 82 mm, therefore a spread of 22 mm, normal for the age). Proencephalia 1 mm (fronto-occipital glabellae 139 mm, maximal fronto-occipital 140 mm). The child, being treated with the Marine Treatment develops normally. At eleven months and twenty-eight days, despite a case of measles that causes a loss of 700 gr during one month, the child measures 74 cm this being a normal height for a girl of fourteen months and she weighs 8,600 kg. Her cranial perimeter is 46,5 cm which is 5 mm more than it should be for her height. Strong facial reduction: spread of 28 mm between the biparietal (113 mm) and the bizygomatic (95 mm) instead of the normal spread of 20 mm for the age. Proencephalia 3 mm (fronto-occipital glabellae 161 mm, maximal fronto-occipital 164 mm). No anatomical taints whatsoever, other than  a very weak cubital incurvation, very  slight frontal swellings. Eight normal teeth except for a slight dental superior interlining. Distinctly pink skin tone.


First menstruated at eighteen years. Tubercular heredity. Five previous pregnancies by the same husband.

First pregnancy, girl, full term, normal birth presentation. Presently nine years of age, badly developed, puny, pronounced cervical nodules, facial reduction, incorrect implantation of teeth.

Second pregnancy, boy, full term, normal birth presentation. Rickets in the first years, epiphyseal tumefaction of knee and valgus. Now eight years old, generalized microdontism, interlined superior dental median.

Third pregnancy, girl, full term, died at an early age.

Fourth pregnancy, girl, full term, normal birth presentation. At three year and eleven months, evident developmental retardation: weight 9,750 kg, height 90 cm, those being values for a girl of twenty months. Very accentuated rickets: enormous epiphyseal tumefaction at ankles and wrists, strongly arched legs, thoracic deformation etc.

Fifth pregnancy, girl, full term. Many abnormalities and taints.

Sixth pregnancy, (same husband). The mother, twenty-nine years of age, very fragile, is subjected to the Marine Treatment during the last two months of her pregnancy (injections of 50, then 100 cc of plasma, 3 times a week). Normal birth presentation of a girl weighing 3,400 kg (instead of 2,900 kg, this being the normal weight for a girl at birth). Normal birth presentation. At one month and eight days, the weight is 4,150 kg, height is 54.5 cm, cranial perimeter 36,3 cm - all normal values for the age. No anatomical taint whatsoever other than a rather large fontanel and a rather marked occipital projection. No cranial exotosis, nor any parietal or frontal swellings. The cranial measurements were not taken. The child is breast-fed as were the preceding children. She is checked again at 19 months and 28 days. Weight is now 8,340 kg, height is 74,5 cm. cranial perimeter is 45,3 cm; all values slightly below those of the age. However, there are no signs of rickets other than a very slight femoral incurvation and a weak epiphyseal tumefaction of the wrists. The thorax is absolutely clean. Neither valgoid knees as with her own brother, or tibital incurvation as with her two preceding sisters. No facial reduction. No olympian forehead. Slight occipital swelling. Slight superior median interlining. Fontanel not yet closed measuring 2 x 3 cm. 12 teeth. At 21 months and 29 days: weight is 9,030 kg, height is 76 cm, cranial perimeter is 45,8 cm. 15 teeth. Same excellent condition. The results are particularly striking because the mother was only treated [with Marine Plasma] during the last two months of her pregnancy and the child received no special treatment since its birth.


cutaneous tuberculosis (lupus). Tubercular heredity. Two previous pregnancies - with the same husband.

First pregnancy, stillborn, weight 1,500 gr.

Second pregnancy, boy, brought to term, normal birth presentation, nice weight at birth. At sixteen months and a day, weight is 10,600 kg, height is 78.5 cm and the cranial perimeter is 48 cm - all normal for the age. But - we see osseous tuberculosis: spinal ventosa of the right index finger, right earlobe and fifth right metatarsus. Considerable tumefaction of the phalanges and vast purulent ulceration. Extremely accentuated hypertrichosis. When submitted to the Marine Treatment at doses measuring 50 cubic cm, then 100 cubic cm of plasma, three times a week, we can see the ulcerations scarred over within one month; the spinal ventosa is healed in five months and a half.

Third pregnancy (same husband). The mother is treated with Marine Plasma during the last five months of her pregnancy (injections of 50 cubic cm, then 100 cubic cm - three injections per week. A boy is born - full term. At age one month and five days, no hypertrichosis, no anatomical tains whatsoever, weight is 3,850 kg, height is 54 cm, the cranial perimeter is 37,5 cm - all these being values that are normal for the age. Thoracic perimeter at the nipple is 36 cm exceeding by 9 mm half of the height, thus normal. The child receives several Plasma injections. At four months and 19 days, the weight is 7 kg, height is 63 cm, cranial perimeter is 43 cm, thoracic perimeter at the nipple is 44 cm - all values equal to or surpassing what is normal for the age. First teeth at six months and a half. At ten months and 16 days, weight is 9,150 kg, height is 73 cm, the cranial perimeter is 46,5 cm, thoracic perimeter is 48 cm and all these are values of a child of 12  months of age. Four teeth. At five years and nine months, weight is 18,79 kg - weight of a normal child at 8 years old. No anatomical taint whatsoever other than a slight facial reduction (bizygomatic 117, biparietal 145, fronto-occipital glabellae 182 mm, maximal fronto-occipital 182 mm).

Twenty normal teeth without any problems. No hypertrichosis. Perfect condition. This child escaped the osseous tuberculosis that had afflicted the preceding one.

Fourth pregnancy (same husband). During this pregnancy, the mother is again subjected to Marine Plasma injections. Birth of a boy, full term, weight is 4 kg. Normal birth presentation. At 20 days, th weight is 4 kg, height is 54,4 cm, cranial perimeter 37,9 cm - all values that are superior to the age. No anatomical taints other than a slight defect in the parietal ossification, and that disappeared one month later.

Was subjected to Marine Treatment from age 20 days to age three months and nine days, when he weighs 12 kg, measures 86,5 cm - all values of a normal child at that age. His cranial perimeter (49 cm) is within 2 mm, the cranial perimeter is normal for the height.

No hypertrichosis. 20 normal teeth. Thus, the child escapes the osseous tuberculosis that had afflicted his blood brother. At 29 months, end of September, the child dies suddenly from profuse diarrhea that presented all the signs of choleraic enteritis (watery stools, algid [cold] zones, leaden skin tone, 40,8° C. temperature, no rigidity at the nape of the neck).


Two anterior pregnancies with the same husband. This husband has syndactylism [fused fingers or toes] which probably goes back to hereditary syphilis.

First pregnancy, girl, full term, weight is 2,250 kg, deceased at six months due to meningitis.

Second pregnancy, girl, full term, weight is 2,500 kg, normal birth presentation. At age 23 months and 13 days, the child is very drained and thin. The weight is now 10,150 kg instead of 13,650 which would be the weight for a normal height of 94,5 cm. The thoracic perimeter is 49 cm at the nipple instead f 53. The cranial perimeter is just about normal (49,4 cm). Facial reduction is very pronounced: 35 mm difference between the biparietal (137 mm) and the bizygomatic (100,2 mm) instead of the normal spread of 18 mm for the age. Proencephalitis. Very pronounced occipital projection. Accentuated hypertrichosis. Rickets: costal rosary, epiphyseal tumefaction. Cervical nodules, pronounced axillary and inguinal nodes.

Third pregnancy, with same husband. The mother, thirty-two years old, is put on Marine Plasma during three months of her pregnancy (Injections of 100 cubic cm of Marine Plasma, three times a week). Birth of a normal child at full term weighing in at 4 kg, normal birth presentation. At 14 months, weight is 4,190 kg, height is 54 cm - normal values for a child of one month. Cranial perimeter is just about normal: 36.8 cm instead of 37,4. Thoracic perimeter at the nipple is 37 cm, exceeding by 10 cm half of the height. No anatomical taints whatsoever. Normal cranium, no facial reduction, no proencephalitis. Every month, the mother brings us her child. At two months, the weight is 5,850 kg, the height is 61 cm, cranial perimeter is 41,1 cm - all these values being normal for a child of 3 months and six days. No facial reduction: spread of 22 cm between biparietal (106 mm) and the bizygomatic (84 mm). No proencephalitis (fronto-occipital glabellae 142 mm, maximal fronto-occipital 142 mm). Very slight hypertrichosis. Red hair. At seven months and 20 days, the height is 71,3 cm which is normal for a child at ten months, weight is 9,400 kg which is normal for a child of 12 months and a half. No taints whatsoever. No rachitism, no nodules. Distinctly pink skin tone. Presently two and a half years old, [living] in the country, was not re-examined. "Very nice child" says the mother.


Mrs B...

Two previous pregnancies - without albumin.

First pregnancy, premature at six months. The child lives only for six hours.

Second pregnancy, premature birth at seven months and a half. Face-first presentation. Weight at birth: 1 kg.  Incubated, cocoon-like, for four months. The child died at nine months of meningitis.

Third pregnancy (same husband). The mother, aged twenty-eight, is put on Marine Plasma during the six last months of her pregnancy. Plasma injections of: 50, then 100 cubic cm at the rate of three injections per week. No albumin. Birth of a normal boy - full term. Normal birth presentation. At age one month and 28 days, the weight is 4,250 kg, height is 54 cm, cranial perimeter is 37,3 cm. The weight is superior by 170 gr of what it should be at normal height. The height is somewhat retarded by 3 cm for the age. The cranial perimeter is normal within 1 mm (37,3 instead of 37,4). No facial reduction (bizygomatic 79, biparietal 102, therefore excess of biparietal over bizygomatic, 23 mm instead of the normal 22 mm). Normal cranial form: no olympian forehead, nor occipital swelling, nor parietal swellings. Gaps are just a bit wide - instead of parietal ossification.

Sixteen days later, the parietal ossification is on its way out and is terminated at age three months.

The child is subjected to Marine Treatment starting at age one month and 28 days until eight months and sixteen days. First teeth at seven months. At eleven months and seventeen days the weight is 7,650 kg and the height is 70.5 cm.

At two years, one month and nineteen days, the weight is 11 kg, height is 85,3 cm and all these values are just about normal for the age. 18 teeth are present. The maternal heredity is tubercular. The father died of pulmonary tuberculosis at age forty-three. 


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